quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2018

Total Lunar Eclipse in Amsterdam - Netherlands

For all Dutch friends, a preview of the Total Lunar Eclipse times there in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). The eclipse will take place on the night of July 27, 2018. Cordially embraced by the Dumont Observatory in Patos de Minas - Brazil.

TimePhase DirectionAltitude
19:14Sex, 27 de JulNot directly visiblePenumbral Eclipse beginsBelow horizonMap direction East97°
20:24Sex, 27 de JulNot directly visiblePartial Eclipse beginsBelow horizonMap direction East-southeast109°
21:30Sex, 27 de JulNot directly visibleTotal Eclipse beginsBelow horizonMap direction East-southeast122°
21:32Sex, 27 de JulNot directly visibleMoonriseBelow horizonMap direction East-southeast122°
22:21Sex, 27 de Jul
Maximum EclipseMoon is closest to the center of the shadow.
Moon close to horizon, so make sure you have free sight to Southeast.
Map direction Southeast132°
23:13Sex, 27 de Jul
Total Eclipse endsTotal moon eclipse ends.Map direction Southeast142°
00:19Sab, 28 de Jul
Partial Eclipse endsPartial moon eclipse ends.Map direction South-southeast157°
01:28Sab, 28 de Jul
Penumbral Eclipse endsThe Earth's penumbra ends.Map direction South173°

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